Languages: Uzbek, Russian
Tashkent College of Geodesy and Cartography-– Jurisprudence (2006).
Professional Experience:
Irina Valerievna Sitdikova’s career began in 2000 in the field of construction (“Tanqra” LLC, “Reje Vostok Qurilish” LLC and others.)
From 2013 to 2017, continued her career as a leading inspector of the Department of Personnel and Industrial Training, a leading inspector for accounting and booking of persons liable for military service in the Department for Personnel Management in large industrial enterprises in the field of tractor and agricultural machinery (“Tashkent Tractor Plant OJSC and Tashkent Agricultural Machinery Plant”)
In 2018, was invited to “AGRONIC” LLC, where she currently carries out her career as Head of the Human Resources Department.
Records management of HR Department in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other regulations governing relationships with the personnel of the enterprise.
Organization of work with personnel in accordance with general goals of enterprise development and specific areas of personnel policy to achieve effective use and professional development of employees.
Ensuring the staffing of the enterprise with workers of the necessary professions, specialties and qualifications.
Recruitment, interviewing candidates, including graduates of educational institutions, in order to recruit and staff workers.
Participation together with heads of structural divisions, in decision-making on recruitment, transfer, promotion, and trainings.
Participation in planning the social development of the team, resolving labor disputes and conflicts.