About company
The project for the production of dried vegetables, herbs, and spices was launched in 2015 and is completely export-oriented. It currently employs over 250 employees.
The production is equipped with tunnel-type drying equipment “Sandvik” (Italy), as well as auxiliary equipment from Turkey, Belgium, Russia, Poland, etc. The average production capacity is from 5 to 10 tons of finished products per day.
ОA distinctive feature of production is the complete absence of chemical impurities in the manufacture of products. So, fresh vegetables on the basis of tenders are purchased from farms of Uzbekistan, then the products go through the procedures of washing, cleaning, cutting and several stages of drying.
Products can be packaged in industrial containers from 10 to 25 kg, depending on the requirements of the Buyer. Polypropylene and Kraft bags, as well as corrugated cardboard boxes are used as packaging. At the same time, regardless of the type of packaging, products are packed in plastic bags (inserts).
Currently the study is underway to install additional equipment for small packaging.
About Products
Everyone knows the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is only in fresh vegetables. But, unfortunately, we can receive this set of nutrients only during the season.
And how you want to eat delicious vegetables all year round and at the same time be sure that they contain all the vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that our body needs so much in the cold season. Humanity has long figured out the secret: if a fresh vegetable is thoroughly dried, then a maximum of useful elements will remain in it.
In their composition, such products contain minerals of natural origin, sucrose, as well as pectin and nitrogenous compounds. Such products can be safely classified as dietary. The fact is that salt and vinegar are not used for drying, which cannot be said about pickled and salted products.
After processing, most of the vitamins and minerals can be preserved. It is known that many dried vegetables contain very high amounts of potassium, which is essential for the normal functioning of the heart. In addition, dried vegetables are a source of organic acid, trace elements and carbohydrates. By the way, all substances in dried products are in high concentration, which doubles and sometimes triples their benefits compared to fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.
A little about the benefits of Dried vegetables
Dry vegetables contain whole range of nutrients:
- Vitamin С;
- Carotene;
- Organic Acids;
- Microelements;
- Carbohydrates.
Calorie content of dried vegetable is -250 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Energy value of dried vegetables:
- proteins – 37,5 grams (150 kilocalories);
- fats – 0,7 grams (6 kilocalories);
- carbohydrates – 23,4 grams (94 kilocalories).
Taking into account the relevance of this type of product, the Agronic Group of Companies launched production of dried vegetables in 2015.
The shelf life of dried vegetables is from 12 to 24 months without the use of the sealed packaging or special containers.
Products are manufactured on an industrial scale and are popular with manufactures of fast food and baby food, as well as manufactures of vegetables mixes and spices.