Sweet corn on the cob in a vacuum package
Sweet corn vacuum packed, boiled, ready to consume; packed in 1 pieces, minimum weight 250 g; shelf life 1 year from the date of packaging.
Appearance сobs of approximately the same size, close to the height of vacuum packing, regular shape, clean, with even cuts at the ends, tightly packed.
Contsistency soft, homogeneous, without excessive density taste and smell characteristic of blanced, and sterilized corn at the stage of milky ripeness, without foreign taste and smell.
Color white, golden or yellow; no darker grains, uniform in one vacuum package.
Mass fraction of moisture, no more than 75%
Mass fraction of chlorides, no more than 0.8-1.5%
Mass fraction of impurities of plant origin, no more than 0.15%
It is used in the production of instant soups. There are no contraindictions for use